Open Mic Pitch Night & Networking

Open Mic Pitch Night

Showcase Your Business Idea!

Calling all idea champions, seasoned founders, entrepreneurs and curious minds!! Open Mic Pitch Night is a four-part event series happening between May and August 2024, designed to be an inclusive platform for ideas at any stage of development to share your business ideas and gain valuable feedback.

What is it?

This is your chance to step up to the mic and pitch your business concept to a panel of judges and a supportive audience. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this event offers a unique opportunity to:

  • Get feedback: Receive insights on your idea from experienced professionals and your peers.
  • Refine your pitch: Practice your presentation skills and learn how to effectively communicate your vision.
  • Network: Connect with potential investors, mentors, and collaborators who can help your business grow.

Open to Everyone!

Whether you're:

  • Brainstorming a New Idea: Got a glimmer of an idea but unsure where to take it? Share it with our supportive audience and get valuable feedback to spark inspiration and refine your concept.
  • Developing Your Business Plan: Have a business plan in the works but want to refine your pitch? Take centre stage and practice your presentation in front of a real audience. Gain insights from experienced mentors who can help you strengthen your strategy and communication skills.
  • Running a Developed Startup: Already launched your business but looking for ways to grow? Open Mic Pitch Night is a fantastic platform to connect and share your success story with the community, and gain valuable feedback to help you take your startup to the next level.
  • Just Curious About Entrepreneurship: Are you fascinated by the world of startups but haven't taken the plunge yet? Join us as a guest and immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Learn from inspiring pitches, network with founders and like minded thinkers, and discover the exciting possibilities that entrepreneurship can offer.

The best part? Anyone can join in the audience! Come one, come all, and witness the next generation of business superstars take flight. Be inspired, learn from the pitches, and maybe even discover your own entrepreneurial spark. Open Mic Pitch Night is a night for the entire community!

Thematic Nights:

Each night will explore a specific theme, focusing on areas like:

  • Sustainability & Environmental Impact | Tuesday 7 May (5:30-7:30pm)
  • Health, Accessibility & Inclusion | Tuesday 4 June (5:30-7:30pm)
  • Food, Ag and Tourism | Tuesday 16 July (5:00-7:30pm)
  • Technology | Tuesday 13 August (5:00-7:30pm)

However, these themes are just a springboard! Feel free to share any business idea you're passionate about - even if it doesn't fall strictly under one of our session themes.

Register for Free!

Participation in Open Mic Pitch Night is absolutely free. So, come one, come all, and let's celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit together!

Registration and further details for each session are available at the links below:

If you're interested in pitching, please make sure to fill out the EOI form below!

Stay connected

Are you keen to join in the fun for 2024? Stay current by subscribing to our newsletter for more up-to-date information and monthly updates!

Innovation in Moreton Bay

Innovate Moreton Bay and City of Moreton Bay remain dedicated to fostering innovation in the region. Open Mic Pitch Night & Networking is just one example of their ongoing commitment to the Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS), which includes the objective of Moreton Bay becoming and maintaining its position as a top ten regional innovation hub.

For more information about Council’s innovation programs, visit:

Are you interested in taking part in Open Mic Pitch Night 2024? Fill out an expression of interest below!

Max 800 characters, approximately 110-200 words.

City of Moreton Bay is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing your EOI to showcase your business on Innovations Day. Council will use your personal information to update Council’s customer information records and to contact you about other functions and services of Council. For more information, see Council's Information Privacy Plan.

The Innovations Day event does not provide businesses with an introduction to City of Moreton Bay or any other event partners for the purposes of securing procurement opportunities.